How many camp sessions do you offer?
Hockey & Surf Camp currently offers 3 summer sessions and 3 different board options. For a full listing of our camp sessions and options please check out the page "Registration"
For what ages are Hockey & Surf Camp programs available?
Our summer camps accept participants between the ages of 7 and 15.
Do I need prior experience in hockey before starting the camp?
Yes, we recommend our athletes to have at least basic hockey knowledges. Players are grouped by age and ability.
Do I need prior experience in surf before starting the camp?
No, our talented surf instructors have large experience with begginers so don't be nervous.
Do I have to be a good swimmer to take surf lessons?
We recommend the campers to be sufficient swimmers before taking surf lessons. In the even you have no bassic knowledges about swimming, please inform the camp manager and we will ensure individual supervision.
Does the camp include English or Spanish lessons?
No. Hockey & Surf Camp is an Experience Camp and we believe that an immersive environment creates the best opportunity for children to learn and practise languages, Languages play a main role for us so Surf and Hockey sessions are delivered by international instructors in both, English and Spanish.
How do I get my Registration Packet which includes health form and other important information?
You will receive your Registration Packet by e-mail shortly after your registration.
Is the sibling discount applied to the first child?
No. The sibling discount is only applied to the second or the third child registered for a camp session on the same calendar year.
Where can I find more information about Hockey & Surf Camp?
Please check our Terms and Conditions on the bottom block or contact us at